Thursday, January 22, 2009

Guess what I found...

So, this morning, before going to Uni, I put away my CSI season 7 box set. You'll never guess what I found. A CSI season 7 box set.

Naturally, this needs some explaining.

I'm guessing that two summers ago, sometime before leaving for camp, I bought one of the box sets. After 6 weeks of camp, I probably wasn't up to late night CSI marathons. The season 8 premiere hadn't aired yet either, so I probably didn't feel much like watching it until I saw the second half of the cliffhanger. I must have forgotten about it. When Christmas came around, I asked for it, not knowing that I already had it. I got it for Christmas and wha-la! I have 2 CSI season 7 box sets.

Funny thing is, I always thought that box belonged to one of my brother's games! I always looked at that box and wondered which one of his games it belonged to. Oh well.

Anybody wanna buy season 7 of CSI?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why, hello there.

So, I kind of already have a blog on LJ, but I figured, "Hey, alot of people have more than one blog."

This is going to be a cleaner, more organized blog than my LJ. I was going to clean up my LJ account by adding tags and cuts, but unfortunately, it would take me forever D:

I feel that a few things should be explained.

1) The title of the blog is Metamorphosis. It is because right now (like alot of young adults my age, I'd imagine) I'm going through alot of changes, mainly on an emotional level.

2) The adress of my blog is "butterfliedgsr" because GSR, butterfly and butterflied were unavailable.

3) I am a *tad* addicted to CSI. I'm a big fan of Grissom and Sara, in case you haven't caught on yet. XD

4) I am a University Student, studying Psychology and Linguistics.

Welcome to my blog.

Slán, anois!